So and Ramsey have paid for a five day workshop for the students. This whole week they will be taught how to prepare and make eighteen different snacks. This is something they can prepare in their own village for sale.
At night Gong limps into the kitchen, his face looks tight and he doesn't have his usual smile. He shows us his toe. It is swollen, and throbbing and hot. I think it's full of pus and it’s headed for a lancing. Gong is very afraid of this suggestion and quickly limps away. He then sits back down and lets us examine it more closely. It is very tender and painful. He said it's been hurting for about a week but has gotten really bad today. I am worried and afraid it might go septic. Then everyone in the room tells stories of how they have had similar things. Evidently boils, or something like boils, are commonplace here. Even Ramsey's had some. They all seem to swell and burst on their own or just subside after a while. No one goes to the doctor. San said she had one on her foot that caused her to cry in pain for three days. Shitty. My fingers are crossed I don’t end up with one.In the evening So, Ramsey and I hang out on the floor of the library. We talk about sex and Lao culture (which is many different cultures because of all the ethnic groups). But in general, though Lao culture is conservative regarding male-female touching before marriage, they joke about sex a lot. There’s almost a slight undercurrent of male conquistador machismo here. So's mom has talked about sex to her children and is not shy about talking about it with friends...I'm not sure if that's just her mom's openness or if this comfort with sex talk would extend to more Lao people. So says that she will teach the students the following method of birth control: sex is allowed during a woman's period and for the week after, then no sex for ten days, then sex again. This formula is a bit crude, but if followed, it should be effective in cutting down eleven children households to two or three - which would be a huge improvement on quality of life. Many women in the surrounding village have expressed a desire to learn this method, but they are too shy to come to the school. I think it may be good idea for So to go to the villages and do workshops for the women there.
Your boils aren't bad either. Rrrrrrrr (rolling tongue)