Thursday, July 2, 2009

Up Up and Away!

Every time I’m on a plane, and it’s taxi-ing on the runway, I always try to capture that particular moment when the plane goes from being terrestrial to airborne. I am amazed that an object so large and heavy can just “lift” off of the ground. I am even more amazed that the moment of lift-off is so hard to feel on a plane. Sometimes the only way I know the plane has transitioned is because the horizon begins to shift away from the horizontal. This time, shortly after it does, I hear a bunch of squeals from some kids in the plane. It must be their first time. Their response is in sharp contrast to some of the adults on the plane who already have their window shades down and have gone to sleep.

And as always the ascent into the clouds thrills me. I am in a freaking cloud! Some of them have fantastical shapes and seem dense, like whipped cream, and some are barely there like smoke.

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