Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thailand: The Cobra Show

After the Floating Market I am taken to the Cobra show, I don't know what to expect exactly, but three things were of interest.
1) Mongoose fighting cobra - mongoose always wins. It's amazing that this tiny furry, vulnerable looking creature with its beady eyes can be so vicious and take down a cobra and eat it.

2) 40kg well fed boa constrictor drapes over me - it is remarkably heavy and beautiful. I wish I could examine and touch it for longer.

3) This weird blond snake man who catches three very fast hissing, snapping poisonous snakes. Now this might not seem like such a remarkable feat, but he first catches one with his left hand…then one with his right hand…that doesn't leave many limbs left to catch the last extremely fast snapping snake…use his foot you think? uses his freaking MOUTH! Crazy crazy.

I love snakes, and I couldn't help going to the show, but this stuff always comes with dubious ethics. The animals are not treated very well, and the spectacle aspect of it doesn't give them much dignity. I am not happy with the way they were so rough with the snakes, and with the cramped quarters in which they keep the animals. The Toronto Zoo in comparison is like a paradise for creatures in captivity. There is no aspect of awareness of snake conservation or ecology in the show. The show really functions to feed on the fear people have of snakes and to titillate. And the unbelievable kicker is this - the gift shop is full of snake skin handbags and belts. I rush out of there. I feel a bit sickened in the end.

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